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4-11 YEARS
Our Junior Giants sessions are available for children in full time school (age 4-11years).
In these sessions gymnasts will start with a warm up and stretch as well as some basic gymnastics shapes. We will then move onto developing your child's gymnastics skills depending on their ability.
4-4:45pm (4-6 Years)
5-6pm (7-11 years)
11.15-12pm (4-6 years)
12.15-1.15pm (7-11 years)
MONDAYS COMING SOON AT SUMMERLEA PRIMARY SCHOOL (open to children who do not attend the school)
£8 for 45 min
£8.50 for 1 hour
Paid monthly
British Gymnastics insurance is required after the gymnasts trial.
To find out about available spaces and fees please email us today.
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